We are thrilled to announce that Achilles Design and Studio Dott. are merging to become Dott Achilles

Innovate effectively
and with vision

Innovate and build a multidisciplinary roadmap to orchestrate company resources effectively. All based on an innovation strategy that fully contributes to your company mission.

How can we help you?

Join us for a focused workshop where we’ll take a fresh look at how things are done and find new, exciting ways to innovate. Together, we will explore simple yet effective strategies in design and engineering to move your projects forward.

Together, we’ll build a pathway that aligns innovative thinking with your objectives, ensuring that every creative endeavour propels your business forward. It’s about turning imaginative concepts into practical solutions that truly resonate with your aspirations!”

Our team is committed to diving deep into research, ensuring every strategy we establish serves as a meaningful guide for the innovation projects within your company. Together, we’ll pave a clear, insightful path towards innovation, ensuring each step we take is in harmony with your mission’s objectives.” 

Create an integrated roadmap of multidisciplinary items such as products, brands, assets, services, etc. for the realisation of your innovation mission.

We stand alongside the internal organisation of your company, providing steadfast support to effectively navigate the path to innovation. As your dedicated sparring partner, we bring to the table a wealth of expertise and insight to bolster your company’s innovative pursuits.

A future-proof vision for omnichannel services

Inspiring suppliers to innovate basketball

Setting up an innovation portfolio for Kambukka

Cleaning polluted air with moss

Designing a 24/7 store concept

Shaping creativity, designing for impact

Integral approach

We believe it’s important to approach innovation from a very broad perspective and spend effort where it is most effective. At Achilles Design we have expertise in branding, product development, digital, spatial and service design which allows us to adjust and assess with maximum impact.

Challenge the status quo

True innovation can only be achieved if you challenge the norm. That’s why we guide you towards thinking in terms of the actual role you want to play as a company.

Risk reduction & validation

We apply a patented approach that is focused on gradually reducing risks in innovation. By addressing and validating relevant questions at the right time in the process we effectively increase outcome certainties without wasting money.

Ethical innovation

For us, innovation should adhere to the highest ethical standards. Thus, we always include ethical parameters in our decision criteria such as human, environmental and social factors. This approach can also trigger breakthrough solutions for your industry.

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2800 Mechelen

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+32 15 41 02 72