We are thrilled to announce that Achilles Design and Studio Dott. are merging to become Dott Achilles

Team n Time

Efficient care capacity


  • Clear product vision
  • Comprehensible data visualisation
  • Optimised workflow and user experience
Team n Time is an enterprise SaaS platform that unlocks the hidden care capacity in hospitals. They use custom artificial intelligence to automatically predict care demand and nurse workload. By reducing nurse workload hospitals are able to improve staff satisfaction and retention. Team n Time engaged us to optimise their existing planning tool in terms of user experience. 

Based on user feedback and business requirements, we guided the developers in building a more intuitive interface. Thanks to the design sprints we were able quickly move forward.

New way of scheduling

A clear overview of day-to-day schedules, understaffing and overstaffing, easy testing of different planning scenarios for every day of the week.

Optimised data visualisation

Together with the company we brainstormed about the best options to visualise data. Actionable information, optimised for accessibility, will help the planner and head nurse to get an objective overview of the situation.

Simplified workflow​

We created a simplified workflow for head nurses and planners. By reducing the effort for reviewing data, they gain time for the actual scheduling.

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