We are thrilled to announce that Achilles Design and Studio Dott. are merging to become Dott Achilles


Robi, sustainable hydration in style


  • Sustainable product, from idea to execution
  • Easy to install in any kitchen
  • Fresh filtered water from your tap with a simple push on the button
Robi tap water system with three different capsules, one attached to the system.

Drinkable tap water, from business to consumer

Robinetto is an impact enterprise focusing on reducing the ecological footprint by promoting tap water as drinking water. Together we developed Robi, a system that realises this promise for the consumer market.   The ROBI Box is easy to install in any kind of kitchen because it connects to the existing tap. The design of the button itself is both exceptional and suitable for different kitchen styles.
Robi tap water system installed inside kitchen cabinet under the sink.
Overview of Robi tap water system components such as button, bottle, cables, charger, etc.

Responsible design all the way

There was a strong emphasis on the sustainable aspect of the product throughout the project. For example, the housing is made of recycled plastic drinking bottles. This not only fits perfectly with the story of Robinetto but is also the perfect balance between our design and engineering.

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