We are thrilled to announce that Achilles Design and Studio Dott. are merging to become Dott Achilles

Axiles Bionics

Next generation ankle-foot prosthetics

Pushing boundaries in prosthetics

  • Feasible to manufacture
  • Accurate but smooth assembly
  • No compromise on design and appearance in order to enhance the emotional aspect of the product
Detailed sketches of the Lunaris ankle-foot prosthetic.
Render of the Lunaris ankle-foot prosthetic.

Meet Lunaris!

Axiles Bionics developed an innovative mechanical solution, the Lunaris, that accurately mimics ankle and foot movements of a human body. The ground-breaking mechanism enables both comfort and dynamics to a daily, active life. Walking, going up and down stairs or uneven surfaces become effortless again.

Harmony between manufacturability, design and human-centred approach

Our job was to support Axiles Bionics in translating this revolutionary technology into an actual product: feasible to manufacture, accurate but smooth assembly without compromising its design and appearance. After all, design and styling play a crucial role in creating an emotional connection.

Since prosthetics are worn by people, we wanted to step away from the traditional orthopaedic, clinical perspective and go for a more emotional, human approach. Working closely together with their engineers and designers we created a design that is comfortable, light but strong, compact and looks more like an actual foot.


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